permalink post numbers

  • Hello,

    quite often I use the automatic permalink post number as my post title. This number appears inbetween title and post boxes if write a bit of post, as permalink, until you change title, which will come permalink’s last part then.
    But about a couple of weeks those numbers are strange. At first it gave me just even numbers for some time, missed all odd numbers. Then decided to continue with odd nubmers. And now it can be whatever: sometimes it is next number to last one and sometimes there are number or two missing.
    And there isn’t any draft with those missing numbers either.
    As I still continue using those numbers ad titles I have recived questions from my readres, why there are so many numbers missing.
    What can be the problem?

  • I think it may be counting autosaves…is that a possibility?

  • no, this is not issue, have been watching it now.
    gives me just even numbers again.

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