payment issue HYMNCA

  • I cannot add payment method and cannot make payment. My error message is HYMNCA Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I checked your account, and your ability to purchase upgrades has indeed been disabled, and you should’ve received a notification in your dashboard regarding this. We cannot assist you in the forums but click on the notification in your dashboard to reach our payments staff.

    Our Billing Support team handles inquiries about this. You can contact them for assistance using the link in your dashboard: “Purchases are currently disabled. Please contact us to re-enable purchases.” You can also send an email directly to as well.


  • I really feel sad very sad and disappointed

    what did I do to disabling purchases from my account, I tryed many times to contact them but no one responds..

    I sent email to billing support and they replied

    “We reserve the right to limit purchases on sites, so payments will not be allowed for this account. Your site is online, and you may use it on our free plan for as long as you’d like without upgrades.Thank you,”

    OK I know you have the right to do what you like to do, it’s your company it’s your power we are nothing, but before you till me your rights what about mine? what about my money that I payed you first..? at least till my what I did to deserve that from you.

    what I did to lose my money, my work and time to build my website..!

    I trusted you wordpress but you disappointed my.. !

    so get rich and injoy by my 300$ .. but I will never ever forgive you.

  • Hi, according to your account information we have not received any payment from you, in accordance with the reply you mentioned above.

    I would strongly recommend checking with your bank/card provider in case they are holding the $300 charge in reserve on their end.

    If you believe there’s another account where the charged occurred, please get the transaction ID (here’s how) and send it to us via email at billingsupport (@) We are unable to help with this further in the forums.

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