
  • I want to get the business plan but I don’t have $300 to just spend. When it’s broken down by month it’s affordable… Is there anyway to do monthly payment plans? This current system is incredibly classist and prevents people with limited income from taking advantage of WP’s offers and preventing us from ever affording the better plans to begin with.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Good morning –

    We aren’t able to accept monthly payments at this time. All of our upgrades are billed on an annual basis. They’re also refundable for 30 days after purchase.

    Can you tell me more about why you need the business plan? Is it for a custom theme or plugins? Which ones? Perhaps we can help you with a more affordable work around solution.

    There’s also the open source WordPress installation. That’s the other version of WordPress. It’s not a managed environment like what we have here — so you have to provide your own hosting and support (which can get expensive). You would not need to upgrade your site infrastructure to use plugins though.

    Take a look at some of the differences outlined on this page: vs.

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