Parallax Scrolling

  • Hi everyone,

    I’m keen to transition from Blogger to WordPress as I’ve heard it gives greater freedom with CSS and I was hoping to add a parallax scrolling feature to some (not all) images in blog posts.

    It would be great if you could answer the following questions:
    – Can I add a parallax scrolling feature via the Premium WordPress account? Or would I have to upgrade to a Business account?
    – Is there a CSS code that someone can recommend? Or a tutorial to add parallax that has worked for you? Or a widget/ plug-in?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Staff will respond to this thread as soon as they can.

    I do not provide CSS editing help however I typed parallax scroll into the theme search here and located all themes that do have that feature.

  • Hi @anasofiachic, this would depend on whether the html for the image and its parent element are structured so that we can do this. What we would need is to have a link to a post or page where you wish to do this. I’m not seeing any sites associated with your username that have the Premium or Business plans. One of those would be required in order to implement this sort of thing, assuming it is possible.

    If you can provide a link to a post/page where you are wanting to do this, I can take a look and see if it is possible.

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