Parallax effect in Rockfield

  • Hi,

    I just changed my theme to Rockfield, hoping to utilize the parallax effect shown in its demo version. However, I am having no luck, even when I change my home page layout to the same as suggested in the demo. Is this effect something integrated in this design or an extra plug-in I need? Is my old theme and data affecting the way this new theme should work?

    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The site has the Blask theme applied. Are you referring to that site or another? Also, given that this topic has been marked “resolved,” do still want your questions regarding Rockfield to be addressed?

  • Hey,

    I just decided to use a different theme. If you do any tips for Rockfields parallax affect for even a plug-in that works well for that – let me know. I did lay out the cover photos and text just how the demo showed but I didn’t see any special button for parallexing so I thought it would just happen. Also do these theme work the same on and

    Thank you

  • To construct a page resembling the Rockfield demo, with its parallax scrolling effect included, would require building a page as described in the “Adding content to your Homepage” section of the Rockfield theme guide and making that page the homepage. The assembly described there involves adding and customizing a long series of blocks of various types. If after following those instructions you haven’t produced the intended results, then you may add a “modlook” tag to the sidebar of this topic to call for staff attention.

    It might be considerably easier to obtain the same type of “parallax scroll effect” by choosing from some of the themes in the themes showcase filtered for the feature “One Page.” Here’s are two “one page” filtered lists:

    One page (free) – (5)
    One page (all) – (19)

    The free “one page” themes include the popular themes Lodestar and Twenty Seventeen, the demos of which have same scrolling effect as the Rockfield demo. Constructing a homepage on these two themes that resembles the corresponding demos would be, in my opinion, a much simpler task than producing a similar homepage on the Rockfield theme.

    Building a homepage like those of the Lodestar demo or the Twenty Seventeen demo essentially requires only adding a featured image, title, and content to each page to be featured on the homepage, and then assigning each of those pages as one of the panels (Lodestar) or front page sections (Twenty Seventeen) at Customize > Theme Options.

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