Pages to post

  • Hello, i have published pages to my website. However when I click onto my website they do not come up. I have played around and noticed that ‘posts’ come up on my website. Is there a way I can change my pages to post or have my pages come up on my website?

  • Hello,

    You can set one page as your home page. Then that page becomes the page that the website displays by default.

    Here is a link to a video about how to make that happen with a site:

    Typically, you make other pages accessible by adding them to a site menu, or maybe a secondary menu in the footer or sidebar.

    Here is a link the explains how to create a site menu for a site and add pages to the menu:

    If your site is not hosted on, these directions might not be 100% accurate for your site.

    Please post again and share your website address if you have other questions about this topic.

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