Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing SMTP email sever

  • I seem to be having some issues sending emails from (email visible only to moderators and staff) In MS Outlook 2010.

    My domain ‘outlandish.co.nz’ is registered via discountdomains but the DNS servers and email etc are managed/hosted by wordpress.

    Outlook spends several minutes processing a 18kb email in the outbox and then produces the the error that reads “Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing SMTP email sever. If you continue to receive this message contact your service administrator or Internet Service Provider (ISP)” I have two other emails loaded in MS Outlook that are not having the same problem. I have tried closing MS Office and opening again and restarting my machine.

    The only thing that has changed is I have moved my office to a new premise so my internet connection is via a different modem/router and Internet Provider. I can’t see how that will affect one email address and not another but it is currently the only thing I can think of that is different.

    In the first instance I asked discount domains for assistance but they cannot help.

    Do you have a solution? I may be contacted via (email visible only to moderators and staff) or 0210766083

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The MX e-mail record of your domain still points to mail.discountdomains.co.nz, so that should be right. Perhaps you can contact your domain registrar to check if the MX record on your domain is correct or something on their end needs to be adjusted:


  • Thanks. I had an IT tech come to my office to resolve it and he discovered the problem is because the Internet Provider at the office is Telecom (NZ company) and they’ve changed their security to lock things down across the country somehow. They use SSL instead of SMTP. In order to get my outgoing email to work I need Authenticated SMTP server for my email that is hosted by discount domains.
    I can no longer use Snap’s SMTP server (Snap being my Internet Provider at home) as i am now using a Telecom internet connection that requires SSL.

    I think I kind of understand some of this but mostly I’m a little bit confused about my options now. Discount Domains are not able to provide me with the Authenticated SMTP server that I need but Digi-web (a related company) can, except they will charge me for it and add lots of other charges and costs. … I could change my domain registration and email hosting to Telecom but I’d rather scratch my eyes out.

  • That sounds pretty difficult. We have a great alternative where it allows you to set up virtual email addresses using your custom domain and forward messages to the email address you choose. Read more about it at: http://en.support.wordpress.com/email-forwarding/

    You can set this up at https://outlandishlandscapes.wordpress.com/wp-admin/paid-upgrades.php?page=domains

    If you prefer to use a native solution for your e-mail, then try Google Apps using these instructions: http://en.support.wordpress.com/domains/add-email/add-email-through-google-apps/

  • Hey Karim. You’ve somehow managed to change my settings which has stuffed up my emails! I haven’t received emails since 18th April and it has really messed up my business operation.

    Earlier this week I managed to change my MS Outlook settings to send messages again but its taken me a while to work out that my MX records have changed and I cannot receive emails. So its flipped from one problem to the other.

    After a bit of digging I discovered that I can review my history of DNS server settings and it shows that you (Karim) altered the settings on 18th April! I tried to revert to previous settings but it didn’t seem to work and people are still calling me to say they cannot send me an email. If possible, can you please return the settings to what they were previously or tell me how to fix it?

  • I’m not exactly sure what happened there but I’ve just reverted the settings. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • thank you. I just had 15 emails from yesterday come through. Such a relief to be back online.

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