Oulipo: can't change link size

  • Hi —

    I’m new to WordPress and have no idea what I’m doing with CSS (I bought the full customization package, though, so I can learn), and I’m using the Oulipo template. All is well so far, but when I add a link to my text, it makes that text much smaller than everything else. No matter what size I set the basic text at, the size of the links stays the same. Can I change this?

    (I’ve noticed people have put ideas out there for how to override small caps, but those overrides don’t seem to work on this problem…)

    Thanks —

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Web fonts drive me crazy because nearly all of them are all different base sizes. Add the following to your CSS edit window to take care of this issue.

    .entry a {
    font-size: 1em !important;
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