Organization Page not Printing

  • My organization page has a sliding drop down menu that appears at the top of every page which functions as the main hub to reach different aspects of the organization. (I don’t know why it is a sliding drop down and not just a highlightable menu, but I didn’t make the page.)

    Yesterday I discovered that when users go to print webpage content, instead of printing the page content, the print preview is showing the sliding drop down menu instead. This never used to be the case. Users can manually highlight and select the page text and then print the selection, but just regular cntrl+p won’t print the content on any of our org pages and will only print the sliding menu instead.

    Other pages outside our organization appear fine when accessed. It doesn’t seem to be any kind of chrome or edge problem. It seems unique to our organization page.

    Is there something wrong with our theme that is causing this? Are there options to choose a default area to print in WordPress? Does this sound like some sort of plugin issue? I don’t believe anything was recently updated that might break this, so I assumed it was probably a browser update/browser specific problem, but it isn’t. I’ve poked around, but I’m not sure where to look.

    I’ve contacted our website contractor and they seem content to ignore this problem until next week, which means that in the mean time, every user that accesses our page will not be able to print out any articles by default (unless they are savvy enough to figure out to print the selection). So I’d love to resolve it sooner.

    If anyone has any ideas of where to look I’d appreciate it.


  • update:

    It seems that the printing is working normally in both firefox and Safari, so it is chrome and edge that are the culprits. >:-\

    That being said, I don’t know why WordPress printing is not being correctly rendered in those two browsers. I think they are essentially the same architecture, but what it is in terms of extensions, or interpretability I don’t know.


  • Hey @jbradleyncjfcjorg, sorry for the belated reply. Sometimes when you reply to the thread with an update, the community misses it.

    Also, I don’t see any sites on your accounts. Can you clarify whether you’re working with a site we host?

    If you’re just working with the free WordPress software, you might try these forums instead:

    Here’s the difference:

    You might also check in with your theme provider, or use Healthcheck to see if your site prints nicely in chrome when you use a default theme:

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    I hope this helps!

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