Old blog page to new

  • I’ve changed my username and blog URL recently to reflect more of what I’m currently blogging about, but there are quite a few of my old blog posts containing my old URLs in there.

    I want to redirect the old blog URLs when someone clicks on those links externally to my new page. How do I do this?

    As far as I’m aware I still own the old blog URL even though I’ve changed to a new one, but no idea how to access this or how to do this! When I click on the old links it just says the user has deleted the page. How can I redirect this to my new site?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    See the Site Redirect support page. However, a site redirect will not work on deleted site. What is the address of the old site?

    As far as I’m aware I still own the old blog URL even though I’ve changed to a new one, but no idea how to access this or how to do this! When I click on the old links it just says the user has deleted the page.

    Sorry, but if the site has been deleted, then
    a. you don’t own the URL, and
    b. site redirect will not work.

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