Off Page Review Widgets

  • I am looking for a plugin or code that I can use to provide our clients with a widget that they can display on their website to get reviews of their products on our wedding directory.

    I wanted to know if theres a plugin out there that does this or some simple code that would do it.

    I have seen the following code which obviously has a bit more behind it but wondered if there was a simple solution for wordpress ?

    <div id=”clxSmallWidget”>

    <a id=”clxReferrerRate” href= title=”Swan Valley Weddings” target=”_blank”>What do you think about Swan Valley Weddings ? Share your opinion on Cylex!</a>



                   new clxRateWidget({

                                  name: ‘What do you think about Swan Valley Weddings ? Share your opinion on Cylex!’,

                                  fir_nr: 24762561,

                                  lkz: ‘AUS’,

                                  language: ‘en-AU’,

                                  size: ‘big’,

                                  backgroundColor: ‘#46a8a8’,

                                  textColor: ‘#ffffff’,

                                  linkColor: ‘#000000’,

                                  domain: ‘’,

                                  siteUrl: ‘’




    If we could offer a similar service to our clients it would be amazing.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    You may want to post this question on the support forum. In this forum, we can help with sites only. Your site uses and is hosted by a different hosting company.

    There are some differences between and If you aren’t sure about them, please check the following page that explains it: vs.

    You’ll find more developers helping out on the support forum, so we’d suggest posting it there.


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