notifications and viewing

  • Hi WordPress

    My company wants to have an internal blog, and then if it works well, we’ll make it public-facing.

    I’ve set one up: and I’ve made it private. Everyone at work should be able to create posts by using the login I set up. But how do we make it so that all our employees are notified when a blog post comes out?

    Also, do people need to have a WordPress account in order to view our posts? If so that will massively limit readership within our already finite pool, and it may not be worth doing…


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can invite anyone with an email address to view a private blog, no account required:

    If employees want to be notified when a new post is published, they’ll need to be followers of the blog, either through or via email. You can add “Follow” widgets to the sidebar of your blog — head to the “Widgets” tab in your dashboard, and follow these instructions to configure it:

    For for general info on adding widgets, head to:


  • Thanks for your reply.

    I’ve had a look at the pages you sent me and I’m a little confused by the fact the first URL’s page reads:

    “They will need to click the “Accept Invitation” button in the invitation email. If they are logged into their account, they will be taken directly to your blog. If not, they will be taken to the log-in screen, where they can either log in or create a new user account.

    Doesn’t this imply you do have to have a wordpress account to view a private blog?

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