Not able to recover default homepage

  • Dear user

    Sorry for such a noobie question but it’s my first time using a blog. I’ve deleted the original Home page (also from Trash) which gave me a really nice looking starting point when I’ve installed the theme Independent Writer 2. I’ve tried to create a new page called Home and I’ve define it as Static Page Homepage in the Reading tab but it only shows and empty page with the title Home.
    I can I recover the initial page and how can I define this one as the default starting page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • At the moment, we don’t have a way to directly re-create those, but if you choose a different theme, then move back to Independent Writer 2, it should be re-created.

  • @staff-blorbo even though that works for some theme, for example the Hever theme, as soon as I change to the Independent Publisher 2 theme I get the Home page of the previous theme, in this case Hever’s

  • Hm, have you checked if the layout you’re looking for is in the Page Layouts?

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