“No information is available for this page” shows on google search

  • Hello,

    I searched for my blog on google and I see the URL but then it shows “No information is available for this page”. Also I added a site icon but it doesn’t show up either. I cannot figure out why, could you please have a look? Thank you for the support.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I can see that this is a new site created 10 days ago. Search engines can take 4-6 weeks or more to show all the info on any newly created sites.

    I can also see that the site is already set to Public with the option “Do not allow search engines to index my site” not selected. These are the correct settings for your site to get indexed by Google in the upcoming weeks.

    WordPress.com blogs and websites are very search-friendly by default and automatically send notifications to Google with every post and page update. While not necessary to be included in Google’s index, connecting your site to Google’s Search Console can help Google include your site more quickly.

    Hope this helps!

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