Styles for Crowdsignal Poll

  • It does seem obvious that I can’t now have a pic up with a poll on it,

    Yes, Sharon, you can.
    Use the Media block or Cover block
    (view cover block ;

    Just play around for it for a while on a draft page.
    Try different pics, different sizes of block(s).
    Hope you get back later on with your try-outs!

  • Sharon,

    As @musicdoc1 has stated, they discontinue certain themes in the hopes we use newer ones but what about those who are happy with older themes? They should have the option to still use them.

    As far as I know, you can switch to any retired free theme that you’ve previously used on a specific site. However, if you’ve switched from a retired premium theme, then you won’t be able to switch back to it. It’s been this way for years.

    That said, I wish that each retired theme was available to every member, not just to those who’ve used the theme in the past, a group which includes those lucky ones who happen to have tested a theme for 30 seconds before it was retired.

  • Hi there @petitpoisvideos, sorry your page isn’t available for me to check out again. I know you leave it up for a day or so, it’s unfortunate that I havent been on to view it.

    I did like your pic with the poll on it if I recall correct, but the poll didnt go right over it which you yourself complained of I also recall correctly.

    Yeah, I did have someone ages ago tell me how to acquire a retired theme, I shall have to try and find out how again. Ive never used a premium theme so thats not a problem.

    Yeah me too, I wish people could still have access to things that are being retired so everyone is happy.

  • Right Ive no idea how I did this but can you look at this please @petitpoisvideos

    I just cannot workout how to get rid of the poll box at the top and to enter the answers next to the poll buttons?

    Not even sure yet if it will look right when I preview it but had to show you what I was looking at!

  • Ok @petitpoisvideos or @Musicdoc1 can you take a look at this please and tell me what you think?

    For some reason its chopped the top of her head off and I don’t quite know how to rectify this problem as I am still trying to work out how I got the poll INSIDE of the picture……

    what I would like to know is can you see the options clear enough inside the pic – as on my ipad its not very clear or doesn’t come across clear and are you able to actually choose an answer and then submit it?

    Many thanks for trying it for me and helping

  • Hello Sharon
    Right now I’m quite busy, but I will get back to you in a few hours.
    Before I do, I would like to know what block you used for your poll here?

  • Hi there!

    Not sure what you mean but I clicked on block editor, picked a photo, then clicked on the photo and was given the option of adding a poll……

    Does that help?

  • Ok.
    But take a look at @supernovias post

    #3680413 (page 5 of this thread).
    I used – as she suggested : /media block and /cover block for my earlier tries.
    Those block worked fine – and you can adjust photo.

  • Ok standby let me take a look.

  • Ok, yes I did like that one as a substitute but like this one better if its as good at your end as it is at mine?

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