No ads upgrade. Are you using it? Why or why not?

  • I’ve been reading the various topics where people are complaining about google and other ads.
    The no ads upgrade seems important for me on the blog that I am in the process of setting up as my website

    Ads on a blog are tolerable but on a website? I think I will be much happier without them.

    Any feedback? Are you using this upgrade? Is it worth the $30 per year? Or are you fine with the ads?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have blogged on this issue and on the poppressed advertising issue. In case you are interested the titles of my post are; Ads On or Ads-Off? Partnerships: Popping Up All Over

    If you have either a business blog or a professional blog then IMO purchasing a domain and domain mapping and the No-Ads upgrade are the way to go. If you also wish to create a custom appearance for your blog as well then the CSS editing upgrade is also recommenced.
    $17.00 domain mapping per domain, per blog, per year
    $14.97 custom CSS per blog, per year
    $29.97 No-ads per blog, per year
    $61.94 Annual total

    My blogs are not business blogs or professional blogs. I have not purchased No-Ads upgrades for my blogs as yet. I was waiting to hear the answer to the question justjennifer posted here before I make a decision.

  • @timethief I read your Ads On or Ads-Off post. Very informative. Thanks.

    It looks as though Jennifer’s question has been answered…
    macmanx replied:
    “No Ads will always remove all ads, Adsense, Pop Pressed, and whatever else we may come up with.”

    $30 seems high but no ads is important to me so I guess I will go ahead with the upgrade. At this point I have no need for custom CSS so hopefully
    $29.97 No-ads
    $12 domain mapping is all I will need to spend.

  • I would say that for a business blog, no ads is essential, as is domain mapping. Otherwise, not really.

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