next post block doesn’t show up when not logged in – bug?

  • I have reuploaded all my posts to fix an order mistake. The “next post” button do not work unless I am logged in. What could be goin on?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • a few “next post” are now showing up, what the hell? :D

  • all fixed…. I guess it just takes some time to generate the progression of posts since I uploaded them very quickly? So strange.

  • Hi @girlsarebeautifull!

    Yes, it’s normal this happens, but not because of your website, rather mostly because of how browsers work and caching. In the future if you experience issues like this again, you can learn how to solve them with this guide we’ve prepared for you.

    Take care!

  • very very strange, how would the cache of a browser could impact the presence or not of a internal website link?

  • Hello there,

    very very strange, how would the cache of a browser could impact the presence or not of a internal website link?

    I understand the confusion.

    Sometimes this happens due to browser cache issues or server-side cache.

    If you notice anything like this again in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out and share the details with us so we can check from our end.

    I hope this helps!

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

  • Looks more like server side cache, it is doing it again in every browser I could think of. I bet the next button will show up in a few minutes.

    since you were so nice to answer can I ask you another question? Do you know if 1024 is the maximum width of image for my theme? I can’t change that right?

  • Hello there,

    since you were so nice to answer can I ask you another question? Do you know if 1024 is the maximum width of image for my theme? I can’t change that right?

    Could you specify which image you want to change the width of?

    For example, you can adjust the image width here of index template’s image:

    We look forward to hearing from you!

  • The “next post” button not working when logged out might be due to a caching issue or a permissions setting. Check out clearing your browser cache or checking the visibility settings for your posts. If the issue persists, it could be a bug that needs further investigation.

  • @dannycart99 Like I said the next button doesn’t work for a few minutes, then it appears. It’s not about the browser cache or the visibility or anything else like that. The servers are just taking their time.

    @tanjidrahat those options on the post template featured image block dont seem to be able to bring the image width beyond 1024. I had also uploaded the media to 1920 and changed the option on the settings – media section, it didn’t work.
    By further reading and searching I discovered that each theme has “hidden” maximum image sizes: I just wanted to be sure that my theme (dawson) cannot be changed. 1024 is a bit of a bummer for a photo blog. I guess that it’s a two column main page usually so it’s fine but since I reduced it to one I’d love to have 1920 width.

  • The theme Dawson is a full-site editing theme. This means you can edit the theme template in the site editor and change things like a column width and padding, or set an image to be full-width. There are also other themes you can try in the Theme Showcase that may match the style you want better.

    Is there a specific page or post with an image that you want to have appear full-width, or wider? For example, if it’s the front-page, then I recommend you use the Site Editor to edit the Index template. You’ll find the font-page is made up of a Column block with three columns and a Query Loop block. You can edit the styles for the individual elements or even add new ones to the page.

  • @lizswafford hello :) thank you for your answer!
    I think I got familiar with the site editor. Columns, query look, template (both index and post), width options etc. That aint it.
    The last picture I have uploaded ( ) *should* be in 1920 width (settings media options is also 1920) but no matter what option I change it is served as 1024 max. There is clearly a limit around 1024 because vertical images (when I had uploaded it bigger) were also served as 1024 max width.

  • I’d like to take a step back and get a better understanding of where you would like the images to appear larger. For example, are you wanting for the image to appear larger as soon as you land on the home page? Or, do you like the size of the image as it appears on the home page, but when you click on the image are you wanting it to zoom to a larger size like 1920 pixels wide? Understanding your expectations on the behavior of the images on your site will be very helpful.

    As an example, you mention the last image you uploaded only showing as 1024 max. Can you tell us how you are arriving at that, and how that fits into my question above about where you would like your images to appear larger? Thanks so much for giving us this additional context. :)

  • hello @deancroyal, thank you for chipping in as well.

    I’d like the images to show up exactly the same on both the home page query loop and the singular post page. I don’t want the displayed size to appear larger. The current percentage dimension in my screen is perfect. I want to the images to be served at a higher resolution, preferably the original one which I would like to be 1920px wide. The zoom to full when clicked could be an idea for lower resolutions monitor but my main concern is higher resolution monitors. I want them to be served as 1920 wide so that those higher resolution screens can benefit from this.

    At the moment I reuploaded everything at 1024 so you can take only the last one as an example. But you can also look at the vertical pictures which show up pretty nicelly. The third one from last for exemple. As you can see on the style of the featured image (both query in index template and post template) it is limited to 750px (I picked that number to constraint it vertically) still it is served as as 1536 vertical. Which makes it way more sharper than the horizontal ones. Where 1536 comes from you may ask. Well it makes the vertical ones 1024 wide… That’s the issue. Something is resizing the images to 1024. (I mean I resized them myself now to get a better resize algorythm but when I upload full size the same happens automatically)

    I hope I was able to explain it well enough!

  • Thanks for clarifying your goal. You want the images to display at the same size on the home page and individual post pages, but you want the actual image files served to be higher resolution (ideally the original 1920px wide versions you uploaded). does have some automatic image resizing and optimization to help with site performance and speed. However, there are a few things we can try to serve higher resolution versions:

    1. In your Media settings (, ensure the “Maximum image width” is set to a high value like 1920.
    2. Consider using the Image block instead of the Featured Image block. The Image block tends to have more flexibility with sizing.
    3. As a workaround, you could link each featured image to the media file itself. This would allow visitors to click to see the full 1920px wide version.

    Let me know if any of those suggestions help achieve the results you’re looking for. I’m happy to keep troubleshooting with you.

  • @staff-seneca hello to you as well :) thank you for offering some other solutions to what could be a problem related to featured image.
    Can I suggest adding this to the title? “maximum image size width 1024” So that others will be able to find it as well.

    Just to clarify I am already getting the same resized behaviour on home page and post pages. And right now I have deleted the 1920 versions of every media and replaced it with 1024 versions. The only media where the resizing is visible is the last one because I reuploaded it to test.

    1) I can’t seem to open the link you gave me. This is where I can change media settings: is it the same?

    2) That indeed works! The image block is serving the image at full resolution. This brings a whole new set of problems though. I thought that this is what I had tried in the beginning and I had good resolution but then I had switched to featured because it seemed more convenient to fix the issues. I am sure they are not difficult to solve I am justing listing them here for now and will come back to them later on.

    – The image block doesn’t line up in the same way that the featured image, which is also off compared to pagination.
    – How to make it so that clicking the content block links to post same as the featured image does?
    – Should I replace the featured image inside the query loop in my pages as well to avoid double image on posts? I guess it should work but I didn’t try it yet.

    Anyway I am glad it works. I guess I’ll reupload everything and I’ll keep fixing the various issues. Eventually maybe that an update to featured images sizing could be considered?

    3) I am skipping this for now since 2) seems like the official solution.

  • Just for future reference for those reading this. You can do the same things with the image block that the featured image block does by default. With the options on top you can change alignement, add a link to the post itself (which I ended up not doing), and add a maximum height ofc. It just requires a lot more clicks but it makes sense and it is an absolutelly necessary since the 1024 width limit on featured is way too brutal for a photo blog.
    I decided to keep the featured image for query look on pages for now, they could be usefull for something else later.

    Happy posting!

  • Thank you for swinging back around with an update to keep us in the loop and to help other users! I’m glad you found a path forward!

  • @staff-andrew my pleasure. If you can add to the title something like “featured image 1024 wide size limit”, since this is where all of it came out of, maybe it would be easier to find for other people in the future,

    I have to report one more (last I hope) way to deal with the difference of featured VS image. Feel free to correct me if I have missed something obvious and this is all a mistake on my part.

    The featured image block has an option to resize the image to a percentage (I suppose) of the page. The image block doesn’t, you can only use a pixel limit. I was using 750 pixels to begin with but ofc this makes it is heavilly distorted on mobile or if you just resize your window on desktop so I had to change it.
    My solution was to change the aspect ratio to Classic 3:2, keep the 750px constraint, and scale to “contain”. This basically puts the whole image inside a fixed box while limiting its height.

  • Hi there, that’s a good idea for a feature request and I’ll see what we can do about that! You might also have luck tinkering with the images’ aspect ratios. So if you always want to make sure (for example) that your image is half as tall as it is wide, regardless to what size it is, this is how you’d do it using the image block. Does that help a little more?

Reply to next post block doesn’t show up when not logged in – bug?