new themes additions to

  • There are good themes at my personal choice is DePo Masthead, Spring Loaded, Journalist, and P2, K2 and many i forgot.
    Well guys suggest the themes you would like to have at i would go in for Cleanr by Chandra Maharzan, Thematic by Ian Stewart, and Hybrid by Justin Tadlock.

    Happy blogging

  • And there is a special thread just for theme suggestions. You might want to read the very first post which explains the how and why of which themes are considered.

  • yeah i read it it doesn’t say you can’t start a new thread :) well sorry for i didn’t see it t first place when i started the thread, i was a bit frustrated for not being able to find a theme i was in search for in the collection, i reached support and it said you can say it in the forums or contact support directly. i did the both and they did replied positively.

    lets say we can discuss themes here :)

    by the way you have a wonderful weblog jennifer if that be your name

  • Just FYI, themes used here at wordpress.COM have to be edited for security issues and modified so that they will work on the multi-user version of wordpress used here, and then tested to make sure they work with all browsers on all platforms. That is the main reason it takes time for themes to show up here.

  • yeah true the response that i got from wordpress support was that he would pass on my information to the designers (he might be from customer support/HR as they say) and that they are planning on major theme additions so i am just suggesting as in “hey! so you are adding new themes why not add that one thats simple, cool and have quite a good support, SE Optimized etc, yeah you are right they have to see its compatibility across a wide range of platforms, browsers, and make available atleast the basic features agree with that

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