New theme issues

  • Hello. We just upgraded from a retired theme and while we like it, there are a couple of issues we can’t seem to fix through the customization menu. The first is that the ‘vote’ text (star rating area) on individual pages is illegible (not enough contrast). The second is that the header font on the ‘Follow this blog/You are following this blog’ widget is not the same as for other widget headers — seems like a simple back-end coding fix on WP’s end. If there’s a way for us to handle these things on our end, let us know. Any help is appreciated! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The first is that the ‘vote’ text (star rating area) on individual pages is illegible (not enough contrast).

    I’m not sure that I spotted this on my own when looking at the site. Can you share a link to a page on your site and point out specifically where I would find the “vote” text? You are referring to something in the comments section?

    The second is that the header font on the ‘Follow this blog/You are following this blog’ widget is not the same as for other widget headers — seems like a simple back-end coding fix on WP’s end. If there’s a way for us to handle these things on our end, let us know.

    I can see that the heading for that widget is using a different font from the rest, and have reported this to our themes team. Although this theme is new to you it is an older theme in our collection so it may be a while before this is updated however. We’re happy to update you when we know more but we could not provide an estimate on when this will be addressed.

    In the meantime, it can be fixed for your site by adding the custom CSS upgrade, which will allow you to add your own CSS code to the site. This would allow you to address the widget heading as well (I suspect) as with the issue with votes, since it is a way to make targeted changes to the design of your site.

    More info here:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Thank you for your prompt response! With regard to the “vote” text, there is a star rating display on each individual article. See here as an example, just below the main picture:

    Thanks again!

  • Thank you! I see the text you’re referring to for voting & will get a report in on that.

    I’m trying to sort out the Follow Blog widget issues, and it would seem that widget itself was retired several years ago as well in lieu of the simpler Subscribe widget. Would you consider using that?

  • Also — these issues both started when you changed themes, correct?

  • Oh, thank you. Yes, we will absolutely look at using the other “Subscribe” widget. We didn’t realize there was another version available. :)

    Yes, these issues started when we changed themes yesterday.

  • Hi @licensingexpress, I checked in with some colleagues and found where you can change the ratings font color: that’s actually on the ratings site itself. We have more details here:

    So if you’ll go into the poll you’re using for that, you can change the theme colors there. I hope it helps!

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