New site issues

  • After 12 years of blogging on my “regular”blog, I started a new site today. APparently some people are having issues – when they log into it, it says page not found. Also some people cannot find how to subscribe to it, but others do it without issues. I cannot figure out if there is something wrong, so I would appreciate some input if you can find out problems

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    A couple of the navigation menu items evidently aren’t linked to the correct pages:

    • Menu item “Home” is linked to the URL, which appears to be an unpublished page with the page ID “5.” Clicking on “Home” in the menu produces a “page not found” error message. It’s not clear why users would see that message immediately upon logging into the site, but perhaps fixing that error (see my suggestions below) will resolve this problem.
    • Menu item “Blog” is linked to a static page titled “Blog.”

    If you want a “Home” menu item to be linked to your homepage, and the “Blog” item to be linked to the blog page, first assign each of these pages accordingly at Customize > Homepage Settings. If, after doing so, you have an extra “Home” item in the menu, then delete the one linked to the unpublished page as described in the Delete Menu Items section of the Site Menus support page.

    Also some people cannot find how to subscribe to it, but others do it without issues.

    It looks like you’ve got a Follow Blog Widget in the sidebar, so I’m not sure why some people are having trouble subscribing to the site.

    Note that if the site is on the Premium plan or higher, then you have access to Live Chat Support, which you might find more convenient and expeditious than using the community support forums.

  • THank you – I am not sure I was able to fix the problem, but I deleted the HOME page – when I click on BLOG, I don’t see the first post I published, called Welcome to my new site – so I am not sure what the blog page is linked to – I will deal with it later, I am really having a tough time navigating the wordpress editing – it changed a bit from 12 years ago when I started my blog #1

    thanks for the tip on the live chat too

  • Glad to help : )

    I am really having a tough time navigating the wordpress editing – it changed a bit from 12 years ago when I started my blog #1

    The Homepage settings can still be set in the only way available 12 years ago — I started about that time too — at Reading Settings in the WP-Admin dashboard.

    If you want the homepage to display your latest posts, as it does now, then at Reading Settings ( > Your homepage displays, the option “Your latest posts” should be chosen. Alternatively, the same settings are available at Customize > Homepage Settings.

    The manage menus page is still available in WP-Admin at, or menus can alternatively be managed at Customize > Menus.

    I’d suggest you use the Live Chat option, but let me know if you have further questions.

  • Having the blog display on the homepage AND on another page titled Blog is a little unusual, but certainly possible. Is that what you want to do?

    To add a menu item linking to the Homepage, which presently displays your latest posts, follow the instructions in the Add Menu Items section of the Site Menus support page.

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