• Hello!
    I am using wordpress for a biz i’m working on. As of today its still public, but i’m thinking about making it private and i have two quetion. if ANYONE can help me, please i need it!! i’m about a low tech as one can get, and thi blog is my equivelant of brain surgery. here’s my three concerns/issues/needs:

    1.PASSWORD PROTECTED: my blog is currently public. i would like to make it private though, in order to show more priveleged info to my customers. however, i’m nervous about making it private because i dont want this to be a hurdle that will keep customers away. so, i want to use a password every customer can use and not forget. the last thing i want to do is block them from the info i desperately want them to see.

    2.PDF: if i do go private, i want to have some PDF files available for download. is that something i could do on wordpress? if so how? basically i have these “order forms,” so ideally i would have something like “..Ready to purchase an order? Click here to download the PDF.” So, is this possible? If so, how the heck would i do that?

    3.NEW EMAIL: i’ve been using a gmail account for this blog. however, tonight i upgraded and actually bought a domain of my own. now instead of: its just: So, here’s my question. Is it possible for me to create a: info at or dan at if thats possible, how do i do that? is it involved with wordpress or that domain company wordpress sent me to?

    When i read instructions on here, i feel like it a different language. there’ so many words/phrases that i dont even understand. o if i dont understand the jargon, how can i digest the info? any help? THANKS FOR READING!!! : )

    [Emails edited by T3CK]

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If anyone would like to help me with this please email me at [Email removed by T3CK]

  • It’s not a good Idea to add emails to a support forum because the spam bots will have fun spamming your email address.

  • OHHH!!! man, rookie mistake huh? ehh, what can i do, i guess i cant edit that huh?

  • Correct you don’t have editing permission so I went ahead and took care of editing the emails in your posts I left the 2 emails in your post and replaced the @ with “at” and spaced it from the wording.

  • It is a good idea, however, to read the Terms of Service you agreed to in order to have a non-commericial, no-ads blog for free. This support doc is a good thing to read too.


  • Yeah, thanks for that. I’m not actually selling anything on the blog, just using it as a “virtual showroom.” its not like anyone could order from my site. i set it up for shop owners who are interested in carrying one of my brands. its just to generate interest, from what i read i thought that was cool. so when i talk to a new shop owner for the first time, i dont have to pound his/her inbox with pdf files, they can just visit my blog and then we can talk over phone about their interests. i read the aforementioned link, i think i’m ok, i dont use any of those services, and certainly not trying to trick the search engine’s to make a million a day!!

    thanks again for your help

    any thoughts on how to make a password thats easy to use?

  • Just to make sure, I would run it by staff to make sure. You don’t want to find out too late that it might be an issue.


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