new editor issues Apostrophe Theme

  • OK, so I am getting used to the new editor, even when it lags to my typing and can’t keep up. but that’s another story.

    the issue I have, I’ve had before. It has to do with when I hit Publish. I always have Drafts ready to be published, and usually when I am ready, I hit the Publish button, and it immediately publishes to the current date and time. Now, all of a sudden again, when I hit Publish, it backdates the post to the day and time the post was originally started, sometimes weeks ago. So then, the obvious work around, is to click on Schedule a post, and put in the current date and time to publish. What happened? and why? It makes no sense that I am here again. The last time this issue corrected itself after a few weeks and being on the forum, and has been working fine for months.

    Also, ever since the new editor launched, my photos can’t be clicked on, to enlarge the view. All my photos have always been able to be clicked on, in case a reader wants to see the picture close up. No idea what has changed. I’ve done nothing different.
    Here is an example.

    Thanks for any help.

    the site I need help with is and I am using Apostrophe theme.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I am having the same problem with photos. Very annoying. The last time I posted photos that could be enlarged was Nov. 6. Beginning with my Nov. 7 post – photos will not open in a larger window when clicked. This is a link to a recent post:

  • from what I can see, they’ve changed the code for some reason? i think there is a work around, but it’s a complicated manual process. Why did you change this WordPress???

  • I always have Drafts ready to be published, and usually when I am ready, I hit the Publish button, and it immediately publishes to the current date and time. Now, all of a sudden again, when I hit Publish, it backdates the post to the day and time the post was originally started, sometimes weeks ago.

    This shouldn’t be happening.

    How long have these drafts existed? Have you created a recent draft and published it?

  • Yup, My Pumpkin and Leek Soup, created about 2 weeks ago, and published on the create date, then I had to change it to the current time.
    I didn’t take any chances on my last post, as it affects my social media, as the links are all incorrect then, after i correct the date. (automatically linked to social media).

    I guess I will just have to keep an eye on it with my next post.

  • Still waiting for a response – solution – to the problem with photos (they no longer can be opened in larger size by clicking on them)… I wonder, does anyone at WordPress follow these forums?

  • @russianmonuments, from what I understand, after you add the photos to your post, you need to click on a photo then click the link symbol, which then brings up the link to your photo, then click ok to approve it. Then it will be exactly as it was before. If you have multiple photos, it will be annoying to keep doing this for each photo, not sure why this change had to be, but that is the new solution going forward. Hope this makes sense.

    I’m sure they’re monitoring the ‘feedback’ but doubt much will be done from it. we just need to suck it up and get used the new wordpress.

    yippee kai yay…

  • Wow, you’re right that this is a lot of added work, but it does work. And, in the end, that’s the main thing. Thank you very much for the explanation!

  • @staff-ozmodiar
    I’ve just caught another post that would have published with the wrong date. I now click overtime to check when it’s scheduled to publish, and it should be the current date and time. My Chicken Stroganoff was set to be published in October this year, when I actually wrote the draft. I don’t have an explanation, but I suppose will keep checking each post before I publish to make sure it’s on the current date and time.

  • @staff-ozmodiar.
    I figured it out.
    It will post at the date and time that it last saved the draft.
    If the draft was saved and finished, and not touched or changed, then it posts at that time.
    Can this be fixed? it seems crazy that its the thing that dictates the posting date and time is not when i actually hit the button, but when it was saved.

  • A couple questions:

    1) Do you ever manually change the date/time while creating/editing the post? (As in, do you ever open the date selector in the editor?)

    2) Do you create the post entirely in the new editor?

    3) When you publish the post, do you open the post in the editor again and hit the publish button there? Or do you publish the post from somewhere else (e.g. the Publish link under the draft at

  • Hi,
    I never change the date or time while creating or editing the posts.
    The post is created in the new editor usually. Sometimes I use the WordPress App on my Mac, because I get a serious typing lag when using the website editor.
    When I publish, I always go to Edit, then review anything for a last time, make changes if necessary, then hit Publish.
    If I make changes, I save it, then hit Publish. If I don’t make changes, then it seems it will post on the last save date. So now I click on the Set Date and Time button, beside Publish, and it shows the date of the last save, and I can change it to the current time, or just save a new draft, which changes the date to the current one, then hit Publish. I don’t play around with the times and dates, I just save the draft, then Publish.

    I’ve had some issues with the Mac WordPress App, when I save the draft and hit preview, it doesn’t show the preview. I need to go to the website editor, and see the preview. This only happened yesterday twice. So not sure if its connected between the App and the website issue? or it might be completely separate.

  • No issues with the Mac WordPress App last night, all the preview issues have returned to normal. When I had the issues, I closed the app, re-opened the app, and rebooted computer, and still the preview issue remained. however whatever it was, it has fixed itself.

  • Well, I’m glad some things are improving.

    However, we’ve tested and researched and cannot replicate the original error. Feel free to continue to leave any further details or information you are able to figure out. But for the moment, I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do.

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