new credit card added; please restore our web site

  • I found out our web site was suspended because the credit card on file was out of date. I input new card; please restore our site, with our annual fee charged to new credit card. Also, communicate to me via (email visible only to moderators and staff) I am the treasurer of our group (ECMN spiritual directors).
    After restoration of the site, we will probably be upgrading.
    Thank you.
    Mike Sirany
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It seems that your plan has already expired, so rather than renewing it, you’ll want to re-purchase the plan directly.
    The two domains you had connected will need to be re-connected again, but you don’t need to adjust the nameservers, as these are still pointing to :)

    You can go ahead and upgrade directly from here:

    If you need to change the email address on the account so all the communications go elsewhere, you can do that as explained here:

    Change Your Email Address
    3 min read
    The email address registered with your account is your unique identifier to verify ownership of your account and website. This guide will help you update your account’s email address. Change My Email Address To update the email address on your account, follow these steps: Visit your profile by clicking on your avatar (profile picture) in the top right corner of WordPress.

    Let me know if you need more help.

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