New and old site

  • Hi,
    Years ago I had a wordpress domain named Writes of Passage. I just got a new one-my seeburg life. I thought the old one was long gone but it is showing up. I see myseeburglife under it but cannot get to it. Can we delete the Writes of Passge? How do I get to the new one? Thank you,Mickey Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Thanks so much for getting in touch. When I take a look into your account, I can see that you currently only have one site on this account, which is

    Is this the site/domain you’re referring to? If so, it looks like you already have the custom domain registered to that site, and set as the primary address. This means that anyone who visits your site will see as the domain, and nothing related to ‘writesofpassage’.

    I can also see that the site has the title ‘Writes of Passage’ at the top. To remove or change that, you can head to Appearance > Customize > Site Identity in your dashboard, and change what’s shown in the ‘Site Title’ section.

    Hope that helps to begin with – if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

  • Thanks for your reply. I had no intention of registering My Seeburg Life to the Writes of Passage. I’m still flabbbergasted it even appears. 8 years ago I stopped using it. I was following a “set up wordpress easy peasy” when I peeled off to get the domain Next thing I know it’s somehow attached to Writes. And doesn’t even appear how I want it. And I’m in exactly the type of newby mess I dreaded. I would like Writes gone. Is there a phone number to call Word Press?



  • Hi Mickey, we don’t have a phone number as we’re a fully distributed company but aside from these forums we do also offer email and live chat support.

    So right now, your new domain and plan are attached to your old Writes of Passage site, but it does look like it is empty of content – it doesn’t look like there are any blog posts or pages there as it seems that you’ve removed those, so it’s akin to starting over.

    As it is, we don’t tend to delete websites but you do always have the option of deleting a free site which has no purchases attached to it.

    I do see that you’ve already changed the Site Title as suggested by geekinthegirl! What sort of appearance were you wanting for ? In general you can change the theme by heading to:

    If there’s a particular look you wanted to go for, feel free to let us know so we can help you with that!

  • Thank you for your reply. I’m out of panic mode now. I am trying to figure out the theme thing. I know I want a front page that has things liek About, Blog, Contact, Galley etc. at the top that one clicks on. I really thought I would see choices. I’m trying to muddle through.


  • Hi Mickey,

    I know I want a front page that has things liek About, Blog, Contact, Galley etc. at the top that one clicks on.

    Happy to help with this! You’re using a classic theme, so the menu setup is just a little different, but we can walk you through.

    Do you want separate pages for about/contact/blog/etc? If so, can you create each page that you’d like in your tabs? You can start with a blank page here.

    Just know you can always edit this later, and you’ll want to title and publish each one so you can put it in your menu. Also, you can decide whether you want your blog posts on your front page, or whether you want those on their own page; let us know and we can advise. This particular theme is designed for posts on the front page, so if you want to publish a few test posts with featured images, you can see how that pulls together.

    Either way, once you have some pages published, you can set up a menu that goes across the top and connects the pages. Your theme may even handle it for you automatically, but if not, or if you want to rearrange the order, we have a how-to here.

    And of course, we’d be happy to help with any questions you have along the way. Cheers!

  • Thank you for your excellent advice. I have looked at several themes today. I like the twenty-somethings; Twenty Twenty-Two, Twenty Nineteen etc. I also like the Button 2 quite a bit. If I choose Button 2, start setting it up and change my mind and pick a new theme does all the content travel to the new theme or do I lose it?

    Thank you,


  • Glad we can help! In most cases, you’ll lose theme customizations when changing to a new theme, but not content like images, posts, and pages. Does that make sense? So you might consider adding a few posts and pages, each with featured images, then try on themes to see which ones look good with your content.

    Also, generally speaking, these newer themes are going to have fully editable layouts, and these classic themes handle the layout for you, but you won’t have as much flexibility for changing how they look.

  • I picked a theme, tried several as a matter of fact, and am totally confused about customizing it. I tried to add menus yet when done, adding an About Me, nothing shows up. I’ve tried to add pages thinking they must be there first before a menu. Then I just had a giant About Me right up front top.

    I want the site to have the title “My Seeburg Life”at top. I can add a picture when I figure out what it will be. Underneath it to the side just like I’ve seen on countless sites I’d like About Me, Blog, Gallery, Articles, Contact. These are links that lead to a page. Yet when I create a menu (I’m guessing the About Me etc are Menus) it doesn’t show up. These are the kind of problems that sank the first blog. I want to BLOG, add content. Not learn a whole new editing thing.

  • I’ve tried to add pages thinking they must be there first before a menu. Then I just had a giant About Me right up front top.

    It sounds like you just had the one About Me page for now.

    Underneath it to the side just like I’ve seen on countless sites I’d like About Me, Blog, Gallery, Articles, Contact. These are links that lead to a page.

    Yup, that’s a menu. I understood from your earlier comment that you may want to set that up first, and recommended publishing pages for each of those links. You’ll want to do these three steps for each one:

    • use
    • Pick a name, use patterns, etc. as I mentioned above.
    • Super important: click publish. They can’t be drafts; you can always edit later.

    Once you have that, we can take a look at what you’re seeing with the links if you’ll update us here.

    I’d recommend avoiding switching themes while we help you sort that out. But if you want to go ahead and let us know which of these layouts you like best, we’ll have a head start on next steps once you’ve got the menu / pages figure out.

  • I’ve watched a video and published an About Me page and a Blog page. They do not show up when I go to my site. If I click on Pages and View I can see them.

    I feel like I am saying the same thing over and over without anyone understanding what I’m saying. Of course I barely know what I’m doing. This is extremely frustrating. In a couple months I may have “an oh so easy to set up” wordpress site.

    So, I published these pages. I’m certain you’ll say you see them. Is there an amount of time before I can see them? Now, after adding these pages I expected to see at the top home header an About Me and a Blog link to click on. Nothing. This is where I feel I’m beating my head against the wall. Do I have the wrong theme for what I want??? So, here’s a random site I found that shows what I mean.

    At the top left it says Colorlib. To the right of it are several links (is that the correct name for them) Home, About, Features, Gallery etc. This is what I want.

    I appreciat your help and patience. Thank you,Mick

  • Hi there,

    I’ve watched a video and published an About Me page and a Blog page. They do not show up when I go to my site. If I click on Pages and View I can see them.

    Based on your description, it sounds like you are trying to set up a navigation menu on your site. How this is set up can vary by theme, and I’m not sure which video you have watched, but you can set it up by clicking on the Menu tab here:

    I’ve recorded a video (at this link) to show you how it’s done once you get there.

    This is where I feel I’m beating my head against the wall. Do I have the wrong theme for what I want???

    Sorry to hear you are feeling frustrated, i’ve gone back and looked over your replies here, and I’m not sure anyone has asked this yet, but Do you happen to have any sites that you are drawing inspiration from or trying to emulate?

    Maybe it will help if you have an example of a site that you would like yours to be similar to, and we can help pick a theme that is a good starting point for that goal?

    Also I noticed you have created a “blog” page, did you also plan to set up a custom homepage to serve as a landing point for folks? Or did you want to make your blog posts the first thing they see when they land on your site so your blog posts will essentially be your “homepage” in this site?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • Home page? The page that has the title My Seeburg Life and a big picture is not my home page? What is it then?

    One thing at a time please. I’ll go through the rest of your suggestions tomorrow.

  • Home page? The page that has the title My Seeburg Life and a big picture is not my home page? What is it then?

    On some websites, you’ll find the “home page” displaying their latest blog posts, while others prefer a separate page with different content and the blog posts on another page. There’s no right or wrong way to do it; it all comes down to personal preference!

    For example, check out the Exmoor theme. It’s got a cool home page that doesn’t show blog posts but instead offers various introductory content and a menu link to access the blog posts separately. You can see how it looks here:

    Of course, if you like having your blog posts on the main page, that’s absolutely fine too! Many sites go with that approach, just like your website currently does.

    Take all the time you need to explore the suggestions from my colleagues, and if anything seems unclear or confusing, just let us know! We’re here to lend a hand and make things easy for you. :)

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