Neutra theme questions

  • I’m currently using the Neutra theme for my new portfolio site ( and I love it. Especially for a design nerd like me. Helvetica <3 :)

    But I had a few questions: (Note: bear with me! I just started using the other day and I’m still figuring things out!)

    1. Can I change the color of the text in my header? (i.e. the one that says my name/the name of the site). I can’t figure out how to do it and I don’t know any CSS. I want the text to be black instead of light blue.

    2. Can I remove or change the colored stripe of the top left of the screen under the title? I’m not digging it.

    3. How would I change the format of the blog or layout of the blog, while still keeping the same theme? I’m not sure if this is possible or not.

    Thanks! I really appreciate it!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • All your questions are achievable with the paid CSS upgrade but to help you any further we need a link to the blog in question.

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