Need Help to Delete Category

  • Hello and thank you.

    I am trying to delete a parent category that shares the same name with another sub-category on my site.

    So how do I delete this category? Here is a screencast. Thank you for your great efforts and valuable time.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • gabriel76,

    The category that you cannot delete is set as your default post category under Settings/Writing. Whatever category is set there cannot be deleted. I would recommend setting that to a different category that works for your situation, then delete the problem category.

    Let us know if this works for you!

  • ariwinokur,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Just so that I understand you, are you saying that I cannot delete that category?

    But that I can change the name of that list? The name that heads that list of categories is “Student Debt.” I don’t want that as the heading of my categories. I would prefer something like “Categories.” “Student Debt” is already a sub-category under the parent category of Education.

    When I go to Setting, then to Writing, I can see the list in the dropdown menu. The only category that I am interested in is “Categories,” which is a sub-category.


  • Mike,

    The “Student Debt” text that you seem to be showing me in the screencast is the title of a widget. Go to Appearance/Widgets and edit the title of the Categories widget there. That appears to be the source of that naming issue that you are having. If you want it to say categories then you can just leave the title blank.

    Let us know if this resolves your issue!

  • ariwinokur,

    You’re awesome!!! That worked. Thank you!!!


  • Glad to hear you are good to go! I’ll take the “awesome!!!”

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