Need Help Making Multiple Authors for Multile Blogs!

  • Hi,

    I am sure this is a simple issue, but I am having trouble and I hope someone can help. I registered multiple blogs using one email address. I want to post as a different author for each of the blogs. Can anyone direct me to how I can accomplish this?

    Thanks for everyone’s help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I want to post as a different author for each of the blogs

    @icecreamrecipesguy It’s not so simple really. If you wanted a different name to appear as the author on each site, you would have needed to sign up for each site using a different email address.

    But now that you’ve signed up with the same email address for all of them you can do one of two things, both will necessitate that you create a separate account for each site:

    1. Create a new WPcom account with a different email address (and no site) and transfer ownership of the existing site to that new account.

    2. Create a new WPcom account with a different email address (and no site) and add yourself as a new user in the Editor role to the existing site.

    The second method gives you the option of changing the author name in the Author module in the Post Editor in the WP Classic Post Editor even if you are logged in with the site owner username.

    In any event, DO NOT delete any of the sites you created in order to “recreate” the site under a different account/username. Deleting a site kills the URL and it can never be used again.

    Let us know if you need any further help with that.

  • i have some partners to build my site:
    I also want to set up others accounts for them and limit functions for each accounts, they can write draft posts and then i will edit these posts and approve them.

  • Thanks, Justjennifer. I think I have it!

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