Need help determining which "code" I need for what, don't speak geek

  • I am trying to work on my website. My designer has like disappeared off the face of the earth. I am attempting to make some changes and I have no clue what code does what. I want to add a color to what I think is the header on top of the background that I have as black. I want to add a pinkish color to it and put my menu on that strip of color. I am also trying to get rid of the words at the bottom of my page. I also want to see my paragraphs all look the same on all pages. I have one where they are spread across the page and the other page it’s like squeezed in so it looks like it’s more on the left side of the page. I am also having trouble getting a section to align correctly. I have tried a few tricks that my designer used on my previous page but it’s not working correctly. Just want a simple way to fix the things that I want to fix, not all these codes that make no frickin’ sense to me. And I cannot get any live help right now. apparently chat is only available during the week, not the weekends.
    So any suggestions would be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Only the staff can help you as they can view your private site.

    Since you have a paid upgrade, you can get direct staff support at

    get rid of the words at the bottom of my page

    You can only get rid of WordPress words if you have a Business Plan.

  • Hi there,

    I see you have two open support tickets where we’ve already replied to you via email, so I’m closing this thread as a duplicate. Please reply to the email where Destiny replied to you yesterday, and we can continue helping you there with the changes you want to make.

  • The topic ‘Need help determining which "code" I need for what, don't speak geek’ is closed to new replies.