My website doesnt load well.

  • Hello WP,
    My websites does not load well, it is super slow and my admin does not load at all!! So i can not see my website settings, payments and i can not edit sites.

    I am dissatisfied for a long time, I bought a premium plan and I can’t connect only my domain there is (i dont want it) and the website loads extremely slowly. I would like a refund or fix my site.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy with your subscription. It would be great if you could tell us more details, so we can help you out.

    I had a look at your site, and it loads really fast on my end. One thing I noticed, however, is that the domain is not set as your primary address – that’s why you still see the part.
    You can change it as explained here:

    You mentioned that your admin area does not load at all. Could you try if clearing your browser’s cache helps? You can find here more information on how to clear the cache depending on your browser:

    If that makes no difference, it would be great to try a different internet source and see if that changes anything.

    Also, remember that with your plan, you can access support directly from

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