My normal page for posting to my blog has disappeared.

  • I went to my Wordress blog page to do a post and found it had disapeared. Instead I got some sort of block editor.

    How do I get my normal page back?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I absolutely despise the block editor. How do I get back to my P2 Classic themed page?

  • sciencesprings covers Basic and Applied Science and universities and institutions all over the world. sciencesprings has 450 followers. The Facebook Fan page has 550 followers. The Twitter feed has about 150 followers. I would say this is a fairly successful blog.

    For this blog I have spent literally hundreds of hours building .html templates for each institution and these templates have many images which are now showing up as hypertext. This is absolutely useless.

    I want to switch back to my normal P2 Classic editor.

    If you can tell me how i will do it myself.
    If not the WordPress must do it.
    If it can not be done then I will have to go elsewhere to do my work.

  • Hi there, is still using the P2 Classic theme and the default editor is the Classic one. Are you still having trouble with that?

  • I have described above what happened to my blog. The block editor was visited upon me without any notice or any option to not use the bloc editor.

    As I said above, this was an arrogant and stupid action of WordPress, eliminating my ability to use all sorts of tools that I had developed over hundreds of hours of work. These tools were .html templates for the many institutions I cover all over the world.

    Many other bloggers have done the same sort of work to make their blogs interesting and appealing. I assume they suffered to same prblem of having the block editor visited upon them.

    Wordpress should have given us the opportunity to accept or reject the block editor.

    Wordpress should give us back or original classic editors.

    While I did receive responses telling me how to get back to the classic editor, none of these responses had suggestions which worked for me.

    I want the classic editor back without any hindrances.

  • You can still switch to the classic editor when writing/editing posts/pages in your site’s Dashboard:

    With that said, we do recommend the new editor though, and we have tips for transitioning from the classic editor to blocks and FAQs:

    And, if you really want to use something like the classic editor, we recommend sticking with the classic block:

    We also have some extensive documentation available at

  • So I entered a template in the block editor and this is what I got:


    From Optics & Photonics

    See the full article here .



    Please help promote STEM in your local schools.


    Stem Education Coalition

    links where there should be images.

    Optics and Photonics News (OPN) is The Optical Society’s monthly news magazine. It provides in-depth coverage of recent developments in the field of optics and offers busy professionals the tools they need to succeed in the optics industry, as well as informative pieces on a variety of topics such as science and society, education, technology and business. OPN strives to make the various facets of this diverse field accessible to researchers, engineers, businesspeople and students. Contributors include scientists and journalists who specialize in the field of optics. We welcome your submissions.

    I will never be able to use the block editor because I cannot use my 720 hand built .html templates.

    I want the block editor gone from my WordPress blog. Tell WordPress to get rid of it for me.

    So far, you people have been useless.

    I want this done immediately. Tell WordPress to get rid of the block editor on my site.

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