Multiple domains on single wp instance

  • Is it possible to host ‘’, ‘’, and ‘’ on the one WP instance? The theme and plugins across the sites would ideally be the same so updates affect all three sites and only need to be performed once. Managing the three separate sites and possibly future sites is just not viable.
    Unfortunately is not available, so sub domains are not an option for us and we need to keep the domain names as they are.

    Alternatively, if we cannot host all 3 different domains in the one WP instance, can we remap so that the user experiences ‘’ but perhaps it is actually ‘availablesitename/au’ but they won’t see that in the address bar or hyperlinks? What would be the implications of this workaround? Thanks!

  • Hi there,

    This is not possible on But it sounds like you’re planning to use the open source WordPress software at another hosting provider, rather than

    What you want to do might be possible with a WordPress Multisite setup – with a multisite you turn your WordPress installation into a network, and can then create additional sites within the initial installation:

    For more details on exactly how that works, and whether what you want to do regarding plugin/theme updates, please ask in the forums instead:

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