Can I access the DB to move to a self-hosted blog?

  • I have successfully imported my blog from (free hosting) to ( paid hosting). However, I need access to the database for what was not moved over so the blog looks exactly the same. Is that possible?

    I don’t have time to wait for a guided transfer and it seems like paying for more help than I really need.
    Blog url:

  • Unfortunately we can’t provide direct access to the database.

    The export file contained all your posts, pages, content and allowed to import all attached media.

    You will need to transfer your settings, widgets, Custom Styles and such manually.

  • I understand that. Does the Guided Transfer allow your vendor to move the database files over, or is it paying for what I have already moved (posts, pages, etc.)?

  • The Guided Transfer will move everything, making your new site look almost identical to the previous one. “Almost” because a few only features have not yet been ported to sites and thus may look slightly differently.

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