Most images uploaded to galleries still appear as Unattached

  • Hello,

    I’m trying to clear out space on my blog and looking for duplicate images.
    I always upload galleries inside posts via the “add media” option “add media” ->”create gallery”->”upload images”. Always.

    However, my images show up as unattached eventhoug they are clearly being used and I added them as a gallery directly into the posts. (which has been suggested in other threads as a way to make sure they are attached).

    Why is this and how can I sort through to see what isn’t being used?

    This really defeats the whole purpose of even labeling the images as attached or unattached…

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can attach the images to a post or page after the fact by selecting those images and following these instructions:

    Of course this shouldn’t be necessary if you’ve uploaded the images directly in the post/page to begin with, as you said, so I’ve tagged this for Staff attention and assistance.

    As far as used/unused: unattached images can also include featured images, backgrounds and headers. If your intention is to delete unattached images because they are not being used, proceed with caution.

    I’ve found it helpful to add a post/page’s images to a separate folder on my hard drive and then rename the images with the post title before uploading. That way even if the images become unattached for some reason, I always know what post/page they should be attached to.

  • Hi @lizzyfrost, can you let me know what method you’re using to upload images?

    – What device?
    – App or browser, and which browser?
    – If you’re in a browser, are you using WP-Admin or the blue editor?

    Let me know and we’ll see if we can sort this out.

  • Hi @supernovia


    I use the Chrome browser on a Macbook Pro. And I use the WP Admin.

  • @justjennifer

    Thanks for the tip!

    I’ll have to reattach about 500 photos from different posts and figure out which ones are duplicates and which of the duplicates are in the gallery already and which aren’t so I don’t end up deleting the one that’s actually in the gallery…. *sigh*

  • Thanks, @lizzyfrost . And you’re using “Add Media” from the post editor, correct?

    Can you test to see whether the images attach for you when you use the new editor, then try again with the old one to see whether those remain detached?

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