Morning After: Title, Search & nav buttons misaligned at top of home page

  • Very odd. I posted a question aboutt this yesterday afternoon, and as of this morning, my post has vanished completely from the forums! So the problem persists and I still don’t know how it can be resolved.

    As I wrote yesterday, at the top of my Mornign After-themed home page ( the blog title/blurb sits at the top left. To its right is nothing but blank space. The search bar and page navigation buttons sit an entire level below that, leaving a large chunk of empty space on the left side, beneath the title.

    I know this can’t be correct. The Morning After samples I’ve seen indicate that the title block and search/page nav bock ought to be located right next to each other… not on two different levels!

    I hope someone can and will help out with this. It’s rather spooky, actually, to have posted once about this problem and then find my query removed completely from the forums. Is this the usual procedure? Am I missing something? I’d just like to understand why the top of my page looks so wrong, and what it takes to make it look as it’s suppsoed to.

    Thanks for any explanation or assistance.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The title and tagline you have chosen are long ones perhaps that’s a factor or perhaps not. I will leave it to Staff or the Volunteer who helps with CSS editing to assist you. This Guide to the Morning After maybe useful to you.

  • First thing that occurred to me was to shorten title and tagline, but that didn’t make any difference. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but no dice.

  • The theme team monitors this forum, so they will see this and hopefully fix the issue soon.

  • Thank you. I do hope someone will take a look and advise. I don’t have the ability (yet) to look at or modify the CSS. It’s just buggy, obviously, and as much as I like the theme, the misalignment at the top is dreadful.

  • This issue has been resolved in another thread, so I am closing this topic.

  • The topic ‘Morning After: Title, Search & nav buttons misaligned at top of home page’ is closed to new replies.