MistyLook by Sadish

  • I have just switched to MistyLook by Sadish, and my pages are disappearing under the search box. How can I repair that glitch? Since I was using another design which did not work well in Explorer, and need a 2 or 3 column, custom header, and light look, this one seemed to fit the bill.

    Is there a free source for other designs that work well in wordpress besides in wordpress itself? Thanks!

    My blog: http://destinationpanama.wordpress.com

  • Looks like that is the way the theme is designed. Without the CSS upgrade, you can’t change it. (And unless you are well-versed in CSS, it is not recommended since there is no official support for it.) The only thing you can do is change themes. The only themes we can use are the ones in your dashboard.

  • You can limit the pages that show up in the navigation by setting those pages to have a parent page. Then you can add the Pages widget to your sidebar which will list all of your pages.

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