Missing Referrer

  • Hello there! I was wondering why do I get views and users every few days from US without a referrer? Could this be a bot? The site I require help with is thewondermind.com

    Thanks a lot for any help you may provide.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! 👋🏼

     I was wondering why do I get views and users every few days from US without a referrer? Could this be a bot?

    If you noticed a pattern with these visits, it’s quite possible that some search engine or independent web crawler is visiting your site to fetch any new content — this is perfectly normal.

    Although we provide stats with details to some degree, we don’t provide any specifics (whether it’s a bot or a natural person) because the stats are anonymized.

    If you need more specifics, you may want to consider using some web analytics software, like Google Analytics or Cloudflare Analytics.

    Here’s how you can use it:

    Connect to Google Analytics
    6 min read
    Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking traffic to your site. This guide will show you how to add Google Analytics to your website. This feature is available on sites with our WordPress.com Premium and Business plans. Commerce plan customers click here. If your site has one of our legacy plans, it is available on the Pro plan. Jetpack Stats Versus Google Analytics Jetpack S
    Cloudflare Analytics
    2 min read
    This feature is available on sites with our WordPress.com Premium, Business, and Commerce plans. If your site has one of our legacy plans, it is available on the Pro plan. In addition to the built-in WordPress.com stats, Cloudflare Analytics offers ways to view and filter details about the traffic coming to websites. Step 1: Sign Up to Cloudflare To get started visit My Sites → Tool

    I hope this helps! 😊

  • I am very thankful for your answer and it did help me. I wish you a great day ahead.

  • Hi there,

    I’m glad to hear the previous answer covered things for you. Since you have a blog and are interested in getting traffic from real humans, you might want to check out our Blaze feature.

    It’s like giving your blog a little spotlight across WordPress and even Tumblr. And the best part? It starts at just $5 a day. You can pick how your ads look, who sees them, and how much you want to spend.

    Please feel free to reply to this message if you have any other questions, and have a great day!

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