Missing Functions in Calypso Media Dashboard

  • 1. Finding and attaching unattached images: How can it be done in Calypso?

    If it can’t be done, does the current WP export XML now include links/references to unattached images as well as attached images? I seem to recall this was problematic in the past.

    2. Replacing existing images without editing the post: How can it be done in Calypso?


  • Is it just my PC or is it part of the design that when I click “My Sites” for the Calypso dashboard I don’t see the new “Media” button until I click something else like “Stats” or “Posts”. This is in IE11 and Chrome after doing the dance of clearing caches/cookies/history etc.

  • @themagicrobot – Hm, while the link was being added to Calypso I ran into that issue, but currently I seem to be able to see it from any screen in Calypso’s Dashboard.

    Regardless, it looks like I need to correct myself on my second point.

    Replacing an image is only available in the WP Admin Editor after you insert the image in a post or page and then click to edit it. (Temp screenshot and see the button choices below the image itself.)

    Since this screen is completely absent after inserting an image in Calypso’s Post Editor, it doesn’t seem like it’s possible to replace the image or doing any of those other image editing options from within a post.

  • Good Morning Friends –

    The functionality of unattached images in the exporter has not changed. The replace image option is still only available in wp-admin.

    I have taken this feedback and submitted a new feature request to add this to the new editor.

  • Thanks @lizkarkoski- So before creating an export file it would still be best to attach unattached images to something first?

    @themagicrobot-I just saw where I don’t see that Media link; while I’m in the WP Admin dashboard and click My Sites. The Calypso sidebar that opens doesn’t have it.

  • Yes. That’s why it took me a few days to even realise they’d added a “Media” button to Calypso. You’d think it would appear first click wouldn’t you?

  • That’s correct justjennifer. Please excuse my delay.

  • Thanks again @staff-zinnia and belated thanks for adding this as a new feature request to the new editor.

  • No problem at all. It’s a great suggestion.

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