menu display on phone

  • I am a newbie. Just connected to WordPress yesterday. I created a very simple app. Three pages, one for each language spoken and a 4th that is a contact page. On the computer, the menu displays the title for each page ( ie English, Spanish, German, and contact). But on the phone or a tablet, there is a menu button and users dont see the page titles until they click on the menu. So probably wont know content is available in another language. How can I change this so the titles display on the home page on the phone like they on a computer screen?
    It here maybe a certain theme that does this ? thanks

  • Hi @zsolthegedu, the menu is going to be hidden behind a button on mobile. On most themes, the menu will be under a button on mobile, just because most mobile screens are too small to display a full menu.

    But you could display that information in another way. For example, you could edit the page and add a four-column block. You can put a link to each page in each column.

    Do you want to try that and see if it works for you?

  • thanks
    I’ll see if I can figure it out

  • well I am able to add the column block and I add the links. It works but it displays the entire url on the page, not good. I tried adding a header or an image and thne adding the url link. When I do this it displays the header or the url, but the link doesn’t work – doesn’t transfer to the other page

  • Hi there,

    First, you need to set up a static home page as described in this guide:

    Set the Homepage

    Then on the top of that page, you need to recreate your language selection menu by adding a four-column block. In each cell, you’ll have to type each language and add a link to the corresponding page. Here’s how to properly embed those links:

    If you have any other questions, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.

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