Menu bar at the top question

  • Hello, I have “The My Life” theme. On the menu bar I have “About” and “Welcome” and then a page I made which should go under another menu heading called “Information” which I have not made yet.

    1. How can I make an empty menu heading called “Information” without writing a page?

    2. How do I get the page called “Searching for your home” off of the menu bar and under the parent heading of “Information” once that is made?

    The blog is located here:

    Thank you for your assistance.

    3. And how do I get the classic dashboard to stay put? It keeps reverting to a very unhelpful “new” dashboard.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Creating a Custom Menu should solve your menu issues.

    To create your “Information” heading you will need to create a static parent tab

    To move “Searching for your home” to “Information”, you will need to create a sub menu

    The custom menu support doc will explain the different customizations you can make. It may take a bit of trial and error depending on how you want your final layout. Support doc here:

  • Thank you for your reply but don’t I have to be a premium member to do a custom menu?

    Also, this seems too complex for me, is there a more simple way? Or can I do it differently? Or change to a more simple theme perhaps? Do you have a suggestion?

    Can I just put it on a side bar maybe? Or is that also complex?

    Also, question 3 was not answered.

  • All members can use custom menus. The limiting factor is if the theme supports them. The theme you are using (The My Life Theme) does support them so you should be ok. While it sounds complex, it isn’t too bad. I recommend watching the video that is embedded in the support doc. It walks you through the steps you will need to do.

    If you want it to show up in the sidebar you can use the Custom Menu Widget (support doc: However if you do that, you will still need to create a custom menu.

  • I found this earlier forum thread about the classic dashboard.

    One of the happiness engineers explains how to switch to the classic dashboard.

  • I watched the video and I created a new menu bar. I want to change the menu names but I do not see an option to add customized options to the menu bar. For example I want the menu to say “Welcome” instead of “Welcome to Around the Corner”. Then I want to put the content from Welcome to Around the Corner under the Welcome menu selection.

    Again, do I need a different theme, a more simple one?

    I don’t get how to insert type around pictures and what size I need to make the pictures. Can you point me to something on that? Thanks in advance.

    Lastly, with respect to question #3, I think you misinterpreted what I was asking or I did not ask clear enough because that topic you linked to had nothing to do with my question. I was asking how to keep the classic dashboard, that it reverts back. So specifically, when I go to the Reader page and then go to the dashboard it is no longer classic. How can I get it to stay classic please?

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • I want to change the menu names but I do not see an option to add customized options to the menu bar. For example I want the menu to say “Welcome” instead of “Welcome to Around the Corner”.

    See: e. Menu tab not identical to actual title of page/category/tag/post under the heading “Other options, special cases and tricks” here

    My advice it to please read this first Post vs. Page

    (1) There is only one page we can post to in any blog.
    (2) The static pages we bloggers create do not automatically update.

    Only the dynamic pages like Archives, Categories and Tags created by the software when we publish a post will update automatically update with new posts.

    By default the front page of the blog is the Page that displays all posts in your blog. You can create a static front page and have your published posts display on another page but doing that does not change what follows.

    Though there is only one dynamic page in a blog for posts (not pages) and we cannot post to more than that one page, we can create the appearance that we have posted to more than one page.

    We assign categories to posts.
    Until we publish a post with a category assigned to it the dynamic categories page will not have any data that it can display.

    This guide will walk you through how to create category pages for your blog, to display groupings of similar posts on pages other than your front page.

    Create a custom menu
    Add dynamic categories and sub-categories pages to it
    Create order and sub-menus (dropdowns)

    There are many common errors, misunderstandings and misconceptions when creating custom menus and there are some tweaks you can use to improve your custom menu as well. Here is more information:

    Custom menus

  • I don’t get how to insert type around pictures and what size I need to make the pictures.

    The sizes of header images and featured images required in any theme are found on the detailed theme description pages. Each theme has such a page with specs and with set up instructions and also has a live demo page.


    re: the front page error message and searchbox

    Nothing Found
    It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.

    There is nothing wrong with your site. By default the front page of the blog is the only page that will display all published posts on it. As soon as you publish a post not a page the front page error message and searchbox that appears on every new WordPress.COM blog will be gone.

    For creating a post see here
    For creating a page see here

    For editing see:

    On the bottom of your Admin page you will find a link to the step by step Learn blogging Tutorial prepared by Staff.

    See also the “Video Quick Start” tutorial

    The support documentation is all found at the Support link which is also on the bottom of your Admin page.

  • Thanks, I want STAFF to review this thread, can you flag it?

    I understand post vs page. I have read the support docs and I am not finding what I need. I am tired of non-staff posting link after link after link. While I appreciate their efforts I want simple plain answers to my simple plain questions. If that is not possible then WordPress is not for me.

    Why can it not be explained to me how to do what I want?

    Example for Question #1: Perhaps this is not possible, just say so.

    Example for Question #2: Is the easy answer for me just to create a new page with the right title?

    Example for Question #3: Perhaps this is also not possible, just say so.


  • Hi @umaeril

    I’m happy to help you.You have several questions here I’ve grouped them in an order that I believe will be the easiest to work through. If this is too much all at once, let me know and I can answer one question at a time.

    I don’t get how to insert type around pictures and what size I need to make the pictures. Can you point me to something on that? Thanks in advance.

    It sounds like you want to create a post with an image in it. Is that the case?

    If so, the easiest way to do this is to start with your text. You can write your first post using the classic editor using the link below.

    One your text is in place, put your cursor where you want your picture to appear and click the “add media” button at the top left of the edit window. Pick a photo from your computer or your media library and add it to the post by clicking insert into post.

    Once the image is in your post, click on it and a menu will appear at the top of the image. When you hover over the icons at the top of the image you’ll see the options for where to place the photo in your text.

    The photo will be added at a size that is likely right for the post, but if you’d like to change it, just click the “edit” link that shows up when you click the added photo.

    These next questions are all about custom menus. I see you have created your custom menu already, so to make it look like you want you’ll just follow the specific instructions under each question. Here’s a direct link to the menu you’ve already created.

    1. How can I make an empty menu heading called “Information” without writing a page?

    This is possible. The process for creating an empty menu item is explained here:

    2. How do I get the page called “Searching for your home” off of the menu bar and under the parent heading of “Information” once that is made?

    What you are describing is called a sub-menu. The process for creating submenus is explained here:

    For example I want the menu to say “Welcome” instead of “Welcome to Around the Corner”.

    The way to make this change is to update the Navigation Label. The process to follow is explained here:

    3. And how do I get the classic dashboard to stay put? It keeps reverting to a very unhelpful “new” dashboard.

    If you bookmark this link:

    You will always go to the classic dashboard.

    I was asking how to keep the classic dashboard, that it reverts back. So specifically, when I go to the Reader page and then go to the dashboard it is no longer classic. How can I get it to stay classic please?

    The reader is part of the new interface, so when you click links from there, you will go to the new interface pages. If you bookmark the link to your classic dashboard and just click it rather than the native links when you want to update your site, you’ll always end up on the view you prefer.

    Please let me know if you need anything else!

  • Thank you so much, very clear, very helpful, though I have yet to try creating wrap-around text, but I will get to that. I have a further question, sorry.

    The process for creating an empty menu item is explained here:

    How does one get to this screen:

    I cannot find a link that brings me to a place I can add in a url like it shows in that picture.

    Thank you very much!

  • Hi umaeril,

    I’m glad the instructions helped!

    How does one get to this screen:

    If you start from your menu page here:

    You’ll see a “links” option in the middle column. Click the small triangle next to links to add a link to your menu.

    Once you add the link, you can click the small triangle on the new menu item you created to open the menu that let’s you change the url.

    Does that help?

  • Oh yes, thank you so much, I am very grateful!!!

    Last question, but how do I add a space in between paragraphs please?

    I tried adding a “return”. I tried html too. I looked all around. Is it the theme? Is there an easy way to fix this? Sorry to have another question. After this I can publish, lol.

  • how do I add a space in between paragraphs please?

    Simply hitting return or enter at the end of a paragraph should work.

    What happens when you try that?

  • I tried that, it does not work, isn’t that strange? I tried other things too like html for <br> and <p> but I have not tried <p>space</p> should I do that?

    Do you think it is because I copied my text from OneNote? It shows a paragraph in OneNote. I had to add diamonds to separate them in the About Section, you can look there. But the other sections I did not, they are, for some reason, in a different font. I do not see a selection of fonts so I thought you did not support them.

  • Do you think it is because I copied my text from OneNote?

    I think that’s exactly what happened. If you look at your post in the text view (click the text tab at the top right corner of the edit window) you’ll see that a lot of html came over when you copied your text. That’s also why you are seeing different fonts.

    If you are familiar with html, you can clean up the HTML directly, but the easier option will be to re-paste your content as plain text. Here are some instructions on how to do that.

    Microsoft Word

    Let me know if that cleans things up for you or if you continue to have trouble!

  • Ok great! That fixed the issue. Whew! I finally published my first post! And I got premium which I hope will allow me to customize more.

    Thank you for your MOST EXCELLENT help!

    You can mark the thread resolved. I’ll open a new thread if I have further questions. Thank you thank you!

  • It was my pleasure. I’m glad you are happy :)

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