Main page loading very slowly

  • I just learned that the main page to my blog loads incredibly slowly (was not as of last night). Most of the posts and the header load, but no widgets and the bottom of the theme is also missing. If you navigate to each individual page or to an individual blog the pages load normally and quickly.

    Any ideas?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You’re displaying several images that are hosted on other servers:

    These are loading quite slowly – you’re at the mercy of other people’s servers.

    I don’t know if this is causing what you’re seeing, but they were slow for me.

  • Doesn’t seem to be it–both load fine for me. Also, they load fine on pages besides the main page. Also removed them as a test and still having the same problem. I recently switched domains from to, but last night everything was working fine.

  • I went back three pages and they all loaded quite quickly for me. There are so many things between any computer and the server it is accessing on the internet that can cause issues, and where one person may be experiencing long loading times on a site, another will not because they are getting to the server via a different path.

    I think you are fine.

  • I am noticing several WP blogs not loading fully, or loading very slowly this morning also. All of my images show up on my home page, but avatars are not showing up, and on some WP blogs I visit, you can’t see the WP theme. I first thought maybe it was my browser (IE) but having no problems with any other sites except WP based blogs. Is this a WP issue? And can we expect and update / resolution soon?


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