Mac Safari is not wordpress compatible?

  • I am using Mac OS X Mountain Lion with Safari, all the latest version.

    I use web interface to edit post, i want to add a photo, i click the photo icon, a new window display on the middle of the webpage. There is 4 tabs, if i change to other tab, Safari ask me if i want to leave the page or stay on the page. If i choose stay, nothing happen. If i choose leave, webpage will change to that tab, and i lost the editor, i can’t insert photo into page.

    Also, i use to email my post with photo to I don’t know why all photos resize to small. I’ve check setting is “actual” size for all attachment.

    Now, i startup Parallels Desktop to use Internet Explorer for edit post with photos. It’s not good. Does Mac Safari compatible with WordPress?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Safari 5.1 on OS/X should work just fine with If you’re still having problems, can you try clearing your cache and cookies–if the issue persists after doing so, let me know, and we’ll explore some other avenues.


  • I am using Safari Version 6.0 (8536.25), I have try to “Reset Safari…” to clear ALL things.
    When i click photo button, and click other tabs, the webpage will change and i lost the post editor.
    I am from Hong Kong, my English is not good. I have capture a video, how can i send it to you?

  • I’ve upload a video to YouTube, please check. Thanks.

  • Hey there,

    The video you uploaded is private. Can you please change the privacy settings on it so I can take a look?


  • I’m using Safari, and have no problems!

  • pcrumm,
    Sorry, I’ve change the setting. Please check the video again.

  • ateaoscemxs,
    Is it because of any setting in Safari??

  • I think not.
    Should not happen.
    Currently I am using Windows, but tonight when I get home I check that.
    I use a safari older than your’s.
    I think it’s Snow Leopard.

  • What I saw in the video, is that your cursor was in the Enter Title Here box when you attempted to add something from your media library.

    First, click on the box below that to enter text etc., not title. Then click on adding an image… does it work now?

  • sensuousinkspiller,
    Thanks for your reply. Although when i capture the video, the cursor is at title. The same problem happens even when cursor is at the content edit box.

  • I download Google Chrome to try, everything is ok, i can insert photo into post.

    I’ve capture another video, show you what happen when i insert photo into post by using Safari / Chrome.

    All the software are latest version.

  • Sorry, kansir – I hoped it was something easy! I checked Safari, and I’m able to use it without error, but it is 5.1.7

    I use Firefox on my Mac, don’t have any problems with it, and prefer it to Safari. Perhaps try downloading Firefox, to at least narrow it down?

  • Thank you very much, everyone.

    I really try many times, many different method. I just find out what is the cause. It’s a Safari extension called “LinkThing”. I disable extension one-by-one and test insert photo. Finally, I find this extension has problem.

    Now, i disable this extension and everything works normal now.

    Thank you very much for all of your help.

  • Yay!

    Thanks for returning to post how you fixed it.

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