Lodestar Left Align Contact Form

  • I currently have the personal plan, so I do not have access to the CSS or plug ins.

    I am using the Lodestar Theme. When I used Motif (now retired) there was a “full page width” page option which would remove the sidebar widgets. Lodestar doesn’t have one, but has a “portfolio” one which does the same thing. However, portfolio by default center aligns everything.

    I can move my headers and paragraphs, etc. to left alignment, but cannot figure out how to get my contact form to align left. Example in point: the suggest a book contact form on the reading list page: https://theturnipofterror.com/reading-list/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The purpose of the portfolio page template for this theme is to display portfolio projects published on a site. While you can also add your own static content to such a page, that’s so that you can include something like an intro paragraph that appears above the projects, but this template is not designed to use with something like a contact form.

    The portfolio page template center-aligns content by default, and while you can change that for paragraphs, the Form block doesn’t have any alignment settings so it will follow the default alignment for the page. The only way to override this would be using custom CSS.

  • While it isn’t the answer I wanted, I appreciate the feedback and candor. I suspect I’ll have the same issue with shadow-boxes being put on any image which has a hyperlink, which is something else I’ve been working on; trying to have a well made transparent background image also be the link to somewhere else.

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