Location Selector / Home Branch Selector

  • I’m in early stages of planning a site for a client and wanted to reach out to the community to see if a solution I’m thinking of implementing exists.

    I would like for the visitor to be presented with an option to select a home branch / nearest location of a branch right from the first interaction with the site. After that up in the right corner, they can go in and change the location. Contact info, location and footer elements would change depending on their selection.

    Crazy? unread? does it exist? had to custom build? are you up for it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I should also add that it’s not a new idea, all major stores with locations near you do it. I just want to know if I can do it without dropping a ridiculous amount of money.

  • Hi @utkocreative,

    It would seem to me that it will require some custom works and it might be best built with a self-hosted WordPress.org site.

    I’m not sure if WordPress.com sites are capable of doing what you’d like to do.

    You can learn about the difference between a self-hosted WordPress.org site and WordPress.com sites here:

    If you’d like to, you can try asking this similar question in WordPress.org Support Forum:

    If anyone can give you answers if there are any plugins that can help you build such a site, and you still like to create the site in WordPress.com, with a Business Plan, you can install custom plugins.

    To learn about all the available plans by WordPress.com, you can find it here:

    Hope this helps.

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