
  • Hi there, I used to use wordpress a lot years ago but find it more tricky to use… I cannot find the links menu to add them to a blog roll and also how to delete links. Please can you help?

  • Hi there, rolled out unified navigation a couple of months ago. You can read more about that here You can revert to using mostly the wp-admin dashboard by changing the Dashboard appearance setting in your Account Settings>Interface Settings at

    Which of your sites is missing the Links Manager? Add this to your website address and see if you can access it /wp-admin/link-manager.php That link should also reappear once you change your dashboard appearance to wp-admin

    Let us know how that goes.

  • The extension won’t allow me to view… Why on earth has it become not user friendly? I can’t understand why the links tab has been taken out at all…. Thanks

    Changing the dashboard has not resolved the issue either

  • Hello again, if you’ve switched your Dashboard appearance over to Show wp-admin pages if available and it’s still not working. Try logging out and clearing your browser cache and cookies, shutting down and reopening your browser. Wait a few minutes between those.

    Also, did you try adding the direct Link Manager wp-admin link I mentioned above? that should get you there regardless of which setting you have at Dashboard Appearance.

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