Left or Right Sidebars in Hemingway

  • I’d like to start a blog and want to make sure I’m not getting in over my head. I’d like a theme that has a one column and two column page template option which is possible with Hemingway.

    I love the design of Hemingway but don’t see having the menus on a bottom sidebar as realistic for most visitors. I’m wondering if its possible using CSS to put a second sidebar on the left hand side or at the top as navigation.

    Thank you for the responses – very much appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You cannot add another sidebar really, but it is probably possible with CSS to position the bottom sidebar up and to the left of the content area. Hemingway is a very old theme and as such the CSS is sort of “thin” when it comes to selectors and such, but it should be possible with a big enough hammer.

  • Thanks SacredPath.

    Drat, I like the bottom sidebar. I just wanted another on top or on the side. I’ve never seen a website where the navigation is at the bottom!


  • Yeah, Hemingway is an odd theme but with some interesting features.

    It could be that you could create a custom menu widget and then move it up to the top of the theme, or put it to the right or left of the content area. How well this works depends a little on how the CSS and markup are organized.

  • Actually, looking at how the post page is laid out, there would be a problem putting it to the left. If it was possible on the top, would it be vertical or horizontal?

  • It can be made horizontal by using display:inline.

  • Wahh, I thought I might find the css in my other blog… how do I get the widget.custom menu to reside near the header?

  • CSS is theme specific, so what works in one theme is highly unlikely to work in another. I’ve just played a bit with Hemingway, and things aren’t going to work too well since there isn’t a parent element that contains all the content stuff. This means that the menu would appear to shift up or down by the width of the top admin bar depending on whether someone was logged in or logged out.

    I’d suggest going with your second choice.

  • Thanks for the advice. Better to let it go.

  • and thank you for checking!

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