K2 Theme – Problem with custom header

  • I have wordpress installed on my blog, found at http://shnugglebunny.com. I have the K2-lite theme installed, and I had uploaded a custom header image. It was working perfectly fine, up until a few days ago when the header image suddenly disappeared and I am left with a blue header with my blog title on it.

    I can’t seem to find any options to upload a new header image or anything in the Appearance menu, so I am very confused about what happened to it. My header image (a purple image with leaves and my blog title) is still on the server, and when I preview new themes my header shows up.

    My question is, is there a problem with the K2-lite theme? Is there any way to fix my custom header or should I look for a new theme to install?

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  • Ah yes, this is a self-hosted website. I’ll post it on the WordPress.org forums, but if anyone has any solutions I’d still be happy to hear them.

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