Jetpack Publicise : Cannot Create Site on WP without choosing a paid option

  • Hi,

    I’ve got Jetpack Sharing enabled but when I try to connect to WP it asks me what domain I want to use and ultimately leads me to a page where I’m asked to pay for an option. See screenshot below …

    How can I create the site without having to pay? I’ve got two sites already configured to share posts onto FB when I publish a post but with this one it always takes me to this page.

    Please help.

  • Hi there,

    Your screenshot is for the plan selection step when creating a new website hosted with us on, and you shouldn’t see that page when connecting a site using the Jetpack plugin.

    To connect Jetpack you need to start in the WP-Admin dashboard of the site you want to connect. Make sure you’re logged into your account, but then go to WP-Admin on your site itself. Install Jetpack if it’s not installed yet. Once you activate Jetpack it should automatically prompt you to connect, or if not, go to Jetpack ->Dashboard in the menu, and click the button there to connect.

    It will ask you to authorise the connection with your account, so just approve that to complete the connection.

    Jetpack does also have paid plans which you can use to add additional features, but those aren’t required to connect to a account.

  • @kokkieh, there’s something off in that screenshot that the OP provided. In both columns, Starter and Pro, it says “Connecting a domain requires a Pro plan.”

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