I've been my blog hackerated

  • hello,
    I’ve not been checking my blog for a couple of weeks and today once i got back on it I found a lot of new posts which I didn’t add. There were almost 30 posts inserted in the last 8 or 9 days (they were basically links to movie-streaming websites). I deleted everything and changhed my password to a more secure one. Anyone having this problem as well lately or is it just a case of mine? And plus, is changing my password regularly the only misure I can take against this hackers or whatever they are called?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • the title should have been “I’ve HAD my blog hackerated” of course, sorry.

  • Disable Post By Email

    Change your email password

    Change your blog password.

  • I disabled the Post by Email and Post by Voice option. Hope this will prevent my blog from being hackerated again, thank you ;)

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