Issue with updating to WordPress to version 3.2.1

  • I am VERY new as a website designer and just learning how WordPress works. My current WordPress says update to version 3.2.1. I move forward, but get the following message:

    You cannot update because WordPress 3.2.1 requires PHP version 5.2.4 or higher. You are running version 4.4.8. While your site is being updated, it will be in maintenance mode. As soon as your updates are complete, your site will return to normal.

    How can I fix this? Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi. You have a self-hosted WordPress blog and are in the wrong forum. Please ask your question at

    You are currently in a forum for blogs hosted by and our answers will not apply to your situation. Thanks and I hope you find a solution to your problem soon.

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