Is there a better way to do this? Re: no ads on website/blog which is two blogs

  • Currently I have a website/blog which uses two WordPress sites…one has my domain name the other is my blog It works very well except for the NO ADS feature…I pay to have no ads on the website but if I want no ads on my blog I would have to pay the no ads fee twice.
    I have considered giving up the WordPress blog address and making my blog a page on my website…then I’d also have no ads on my blog…for the one fee…simple! But…if I ever wanted to move my website away from WordPress I would lose the WordPress blog.

    Am I missing something here? Is there an easier/better way to do this?
    Does it matter if my blog is vs Can I move the blog page to for now and keep my blog page unpublished so that I still have it and can use it again if/when I move my website?
    Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You have two different websites, both hosted on Of course if you wish to keep them separate you will need to upgrade each of them.

    In my opinion you should go through the one with the domain, categorizing each post with “blog” or some other identifier. Every post. Then Export that blog and Import it into your blog. Then use this workaround to put all those posts on their own page: and then set the old blog to private.

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